“Women in leadership must be the norm”
The UN depends on the active engagement of civil society actors.
“Women in leadership must be the norm”
2021: Quote by António Guterres, UN Secretary General
« The power imbalance between men and women remains the most stubborn and persistent of all inequalities. It finds its expression in many ways: in the rising rates of violence and misogyny that women and girls face in every society; in the extreme underrepresentation of women in decision-making positions; and certainly, in the myriad challenges faced by women in situations of conflict. In every humanitarian emergency, the clock on women’s rights has not stopped, it’s moving backwards. Yet too often, women remain on the periphery of formal peace processes. And they’re largely excluded from rooms where decisions are made. Today, women’s leadership is a cause. Tomorrow, it must be the norm...”.
“For our part, the United Nations will double down on truly inclusive peacemaking and put women’s participation and rights at the center of everything we do, everywhere we do it. The best way to build peace is through inclusion. And the best way to honor the inspiring commitment and bravery of women peacemakers is to open doors to their meaningful participation.”
“…This commitment is at the heart of my report, ‘Our Common Agenda’, as well as in my ‘Call to Action on Human rights.” (https://www.un.org/press/en/2021/sgsm20982.doc.htm )
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Introduction to Key Ressources (CEDAW, CRC, BPA, Resolution 1325, SDG Agenda 2030)