
Your DONATIONS help us to continue to empower and support women leaders, children and youth, civil society change-makers, and human rights defenders, engaged to build a better world with 75% of the world’s population (women, children and youth) claiming a seat at all decision-making Tables.

You can select from our annual campaigns to become a member and/or a donor !

WWSF annual Prize for women’s creativity in rural life (1994-2023) with 486 awards given to date (US$ 1000 per prizewinner), presented on 15 October – International Day of Rural Women – a Day created by WWSF in 1995 in partnership with other rural women’s groups, which was declared an official UN Day in 2007.

WWSF seeks to mobilize via its annual 19 Days Campaign Kit for action (19 themes), organizations and grassroots groups serving the implementation of the rights of the child and its members to organize annual activities. The 19 Days campaign for ending violence against children and youth is designed to help increase local and national civil society action and encourages the achievement of the relevant UN Sustainable Development Goal, especially Goal 16.2 “End abuse, exploitation, trafficking and all forms of violence against and torture of children”. WWSF also awards an annual Innovation Prize to selected coalition member organizations (63 Prizes awarded to-date) and promotes the creation of “Community Circles of Compassion” online.

We are expecting from world leaders to change course so that our children and grandchildren will not inherit the unstable and fragile world we live in. WWSF launched and continues to design the strategy for new “Leadership Training Forums for women, children and youth” to empower 75% of the world population to rise and claim a seat at all decision-making tables. They need to be included in creating a new era for the general common Good for All.

WWSF mobilizes the Swiss population, men, women and youth, to pledge (online or with our postcards) not to commit, tolerate, or remain silent about violence against women and girls. The Campaign has been put on hold till 2026 for reorganization with a national campaign structure. For more information, contact us at

Your donations make all the difference and you are free to give whatever is right for you in support of our campaign activities which we convene annually. You can contact us if you have any questions and we will give you all the information you need.


Checks addressed to Women’s World Summit Foundation WWSF – P.O.Box 1504 –  CH-1211 Geneva 1 – Switzerland – Tel. +41 (0) 22 738 66 19

1 – Bank transfer(Swiss Francs) via BCGE Bank, address: CH-1211 Geneva 2, in favor of WWSF account – IBAN : CH1900788000050701412 – SWIFT : BCGECHGGXXX – Clearing/CB : 788 – Ref. Donation. (Donations from Swiss sponsors are tax-deductible).

2 – Bank transfer (US Dollars) via BCGE Bank, address: CH-1211 Geneva 2, in favor of WWSF account – IBAN : CH8900788000050701413 – SWIFT : BCGECHGGXXX, Clearing/CB : 788 – Ref. Donation.

3 – Swiss postal checking account:  CCP 12-100651-8, 1202 Geneva, in favor of WWSF.  Ref. Donation. (Donations from Swiss sponsors are tax-deductible).

4 – Secure online payment with PayPal to


We thank you in advance for your generosity and partnership. WWSF is a totally transparent, non-profit, humanitarian, international, non-governmental organization (INGO) with United Nations consultative status (ECOSOC, UNFPA, DPI). WWSF accounts are annually audited by the Geneva Fiduciary, Battisti SA, and financial reports are available upon request.